venerdì 18 maggio 2018

Kanban Studio massive sexy update!

We would like to welcome you to the renewed Lulu Spotlight Page of Kanban Studio, all products are now available in PDF, EPub and Paper version.

If you prefer a mobi, you can also check our new Amazon Author Page  

giovedì 9 novembre 2017

Eroclix #2

Eroclix #2 is out!
You can purchase it in paper version at the following address:

Or as a digital comic book at:
Lulu Pdf

Do you want something a little more spicy?
Try Eromax #2, the uncensored version of Fresh Love:

Lulu Pdf
Lulu eBook

giovedì 19 ottobre 2017

New 2018 Calendars in the Store

Get ready for 2018!
3 amazing calendars collecting photos of beauties from the present early 20th Century are now available on our store.
Plus a cat fight calendar with beautiful girls form the 90s in full color!

Bad Girls of the '30s
(also in bigger size here)

Good Girls of the '30s
(also in bigger size here)

Reclined Beauties of the '30s

Unsanctioned Bare Knuckles

giovedì 18 maggio 2017

Lots and lots of news!

Lots of news today guys!

First of all, we are on Mikandi now!

Mikandi is a wonderful portal to get comics, apps, games and videos for your Android device.

Three of our works are now available for this platform.

Unsanctioned Bare Knuckles
46 full color page book with pictures and artwork of beautiful bare knuckled girls fighting each other for the love of one man! Bill knew that Sabina and Yolanda hated each other. 

Eroclix #1
Eroclix is a new spicy series collecting comics and short novels that mix humor, adventure and sensuality.

And the NEW
If you think Eroclix is too tame, this is the book for you. The first issue brings you the Tower of Futalicya, a unique school for magic-users where, according to the place’s habit, new apprentices are welcomed in the “warmest” possible way by their teachers and fellow students.

The three books are also available on, both in printed and epub format.
Unsanctioned Bare Knuckles - print
Eroclix #1 - print - epub
Eromax #1 - print - epub

martedì 7 marzo 2017

Eroclix #1

Eroclix is a new spicy series collecting comics and short novels that mix humor, adventure and sensuality. The first issue brings you in the lovely town of Hornea, a fantasy city where many races live together and love each other in the wildest and the most seductive way. The city has been hit by an Orcish Fever outbreak, a disease that increases the sexual arousal of people with dire consequences… A young elf maiden has been infected and only a capable healer can cure her from her feverish condition…

Available on
Lulu print
Lulu epub

mercoledì 21 dicembre 2016


Segnaliamo questo interessante progetto di Annexia: VINTAGEROTIKA.

Il progetto Vintagerotika - Evilsex di Annexia ripropone i generi e i personaggi più rappresentativi delle principali testate erotiche a fumetti dei pocket sexy vintage italiani, testate principalmente prodotte dagli editori Renzo Barbieri e Giorgio Cavedon dagli anni Sessanta in poi, ben radicate nella memoria collettiva italiana, con nuove brevi storie di famosi autori contemporanei. Un imperdibile appuntamento con il fumetto erotico d'autore per dare nuova vita e dignità a un genere considerato da sempre di serie B e snobbato dalla critica, ma pubblicato in tutta Europa per decenni. Ogni albo della rosa dei personaggi proposti conterrà anche un breve saggio critico e la cronologia della testata.
I personaggi della prima fase del progetto, denominata EvilSex sono le antieroine dell’horror-sexy made in Italy: Zora la vampira, Sukia, Cimiteria, Ulula, Lucifera, Belzeba e Jacula.
Potete sostenere la campagna di crowdfunding qui

Per ulteriori informazioni rimandiamo alla pagina facebook di Annexia e al sito web dell'iniziativa